125 Years of Avon
Avon. This company was born in 1886 by a door-to-door book salesman, yes a man, Founder David H. McConnell. His company's name was the California Perfume Company, it would later be changed to Avon in 1939. His first sales representative was a lady by the name of Mrs. Persis Foster Eames Albee who he proclaimed the "Mother of the California Perfume Company." She was 50 years old when she began traveling and selling perfumes in the Northeast U.S. She told McConnell "I know of no other line of work so lucrative, pleasant and satisfactory as this." In 20 short years McConnell had recruited 10,000 sales representatives who sold 117 products in 600 different styles. Today Avon has over 6.5 million active representatives worldwide who bring in $10 billion in annual revenue. Avon has expanded to 114 countries and still claims to be "the company for women." Mrs. Albee is responsible for 76% of the company's sales still being made through face-to-face transactions (in 2010). This is shocking considering today's heavy online shopping trend.
Unlike Mary Kay, Avon has celebrity spokespeople. Reese Witherspoon and Fergie are the most current spokespersons for 2011. Fergie launched her new fragance Intense in April 2011. Reese Witherspoon is currently promoting the Avon Women's Empowerment Bracelet for the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day. Avon is involved in global campaign efforts to End Violence Against Women and this bracelet is one of several different products to raise money and awareness for this issue. Zoe Saldana is the African American spokesperson for Avon and she advertises Eternal Magic perfume. Patrick Dempsey even has a fragrance to promote called Unscripted. To me this says "throw out your life plan and gain freedom if you buy this perfume, you might even get a girl like this." But since Avon primarily markets to women and it is most likely women looking at the magazine ads the thought may be more like "if you buy this cologne for your man he might look, act or treat you more like Mr. McDreamy here."
Fergie promoting her new fragrance
Reese Witherspoon promoting
End Violence Against Women Bracelet
Patrick Dempsey
In the course of my research of the Avon company, I stumbled upon some vintage ads. Here I have grouped advertisements marketed towards the African American women of that day and age.
Don't these ads just make you want to be an African American woman in the 1960s ? They are selling this target demographic a lifestyle. An opportunity to be a part of the "American Dream." Independence, respect, family and life purpose are the unspoken influence of these ads on the minds of these women.
Wow, if perfume made me look or feel that kind of ecstasy I
would be a lifetime consumer.
Here is an ad with a line of cosmetics marketed
young girls called "Miss Lollypop"
December 2010
January 2011
The Advertisements show a diverse demographic. These products are Marketed mainly to women but the ages range from very young, maybe around 8 years old or so, to the mature age of 60+. The most prevalent eye color found is brown or dark, blue eyes are common but green are still rare to find. A few auburn haired models are shown in theses ads but dark hair color is most common on the models, this includes black and brunette hair colors. There are some blondes but these models do not overwhelm the ad pages. Body types in ads are slim and slender, I found one face that looked to have a larger bone structure, but she was the stereotypical blue eyed-blonde. African American women are equal to the amount of models with light complexions. Many pages are dedicated purely to advertising the products by themselves. They even market towards the Latino population through their perfume Fever, that was the one ethnicity I did not notice in the Mary Kay ads. There was one ad page that showed a woman of Asian descent. Ethnic diversity is definitely promoted. These ads do their best to reach out to as many different demographics as possible.
One of the new product lines are marketed specifically to the pre-teen to college age girl market. This line is labeled "Mark." The title obviously says it all, no better market than a fresh crop of young girls trying to define their own identities.
Thats a type of facial sheen that you get after finishing your man off with a blow job and they are marketing this eye makeup to tweens through college age girls? "Hey girls wear this and he will finally pay you enough attention to let you blow him." Hey, at least you won't feel so lonely anymore right? One thing that drives this point further home is the numerous teen models with their lips parted or open in these ads. There is strong innuendo even with their lips closed and of course this is glazed over with the occasional teeth showing smile.
These are the links to the current product lines available for purchase through Avon.
April-May 2011 Catalog
Beauty favor*ites
Avon Outlet
Mother's Day Campaign
1971 television commercial about how Avon can save you during the Christmas shopping crunch time.
Ding-dong "Avon calling" was the slogan for the Avon campaign for many years. Here in this 1971 TV commercial we see an Avon lady claiming to be the answer to the Christmas shopping season. I'd like to ask women from 1971 if Avon really saved them from Christmas shopping the way they claimed.
Miss Universe 2009
Well if Miss Universe is advertising an acne solution then it must work!
This is another brown eyed, brown haired model. The reason for this combination being so popular is because any eye makeup color goes with brown eyes. Also brunettes are always perceived as more serious, therefore we are duped into believing that we can take what they are saying as truth. Had Miss Universe been a blonde the perception of her would have been seen as more of an airhead. And perhaps the viewing populace would have a harder time taking this acne solution seriously.
Ultra Rich Lipstick
Did you know your world was so dull? Thank goodness there is moisture rich lipstick from Avon! Now I'm not so bored.
Here we see a brown eyed, dark haired Asian model who is very willowy, slender with hair below her shoulders. Evidently if we buy her lipstick we can be as vibrant and beautiful as her and maybe even fulfill the anime fantasy your man has.
TV Commercial: A Wish of Love
Wish of Love, spray this on and you'll finally have and know the love you have always wanted. They use the same Asian model here, she must have sold that lipstick really well. Its also interesting that they imply that if you buy/use this perfume you'll be an angel.
TV Commercial: Anew Advanced Dermabrasion System
Oddly enough they are marketing wrinkle free products to young women who probably do not deal with wrinkles on a daily basis. How can anyone who wants to banish their wrinkles believe that the product that the young model is marketing before them in a television commercial or magazine ad would work on them? I think its a similar oxy-moron as exercise videos showing all tight in-shape young adults. What out of shape person wants to exercise with skinny in-shape people? But then again I do recognize that this could be an alternative to Botox injections. And I'm sure the marketing thought is "who wants to buy a wrinkle free cream from a woman with wrinkles?"
TV Commercial: Clinical Derma-Full X3 Facial Filling Serum
Avon began as a business to give women the opportunity to sell a product to make money. They relied solely on retail sales to make their company money and there was not strenuous pressure put on the Avon Ladies to sell the product. However in the last 5 years or more Avon has begun to follow Mary Kay's business model. Here is an example of a recently implemented "Leadership Incentive Program" that promotes the recruitment of Avon Representatives.
TV Commercial: Clinical Derma-Full X3 Facial Filling Serum
Avon began as a business to give women the opportunity to sell a product to make money. They relied solely on retail sales to make their company money and there was not strenuous pressure put on the Avon Ladies to sell the product. However in the last 5 years or more Avon has begun to follow Mary Kay's business model. Here is an example of a recently implemented "Leadership Incentive Program" that promotes the recruitment of Avon Representatives.
This example is the definition of a pyramid scheme. All those a step higher on the pyramid benefit off of the work of those below them.
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